We encourage children to explore their independence with basic tasks, for instance to find and put on their own coats, offering support when needed

At Chatterbox, we promote friendships.
The early friendships help children develop their identity.

Chatterbox strives to promote a safe, caring and stimulating environment to ensure children reach their full potential

When children are independent, it develops their self esteem. For instance all children are encouraged to help to tidy up together
Through outdoor play, children learn about risks and challenges. It has been proven to promote communication, language and literacy development, reduce stress and improve behaviour
Outdoor learning is essential to improve children’s health, well being and their physical development as well as to support exploration and discovery of the world around them
Being creative enables children to make connections between one area of learning and another and so extend their understanding
We help children to recognise emotions and develop their social and friendship skills
We use props to support listening skills. This is an important skill to learn as good listeners make good communicators
Planning is a process in which children learn to create and express intentions. Their key person supports children to plan what they wish to do. Children’s planning becomes increasingly sophisticated as they become conversant with the process
Children spend quality time with their key person in order to build secure attachments and get to know the other children in their group, helping give the sense of belonging, essential for well being
It’s good to try.
High quality childcare and education gives a safe environment to explore.
High quality childcare and education
At Chatterbox we have a great balance of child/adult initiated activities, designed to help your child learn, understand and develop, high quality childcare and education. Close working between early years practitioners and parents is vital for the identification of children’s learning needs and to ensure a quick response to any area of particular difficulty. Parents and families are central to a child’s well being and practitioners support this important relationship by sharing information and offering support for extending learning in the home.